10 Foods to Eat When You’re Feeling Bloated

Bloating is nothing to be ashamed of. It happens to all of us every now and then! Even the healthiest of people experience bloating. That’s not to say that it isn’t uncomfortable. The most frustrating part is it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what causes it since everyone’s body is different. However, there are a few main reasons people experience bloating:

1. Improper food combining

Pairing certain foods together can cause the digestive system to slow down, causing back-ups in the body, aka gas or constipation. Kimberly Snyder was really the pioneer of this concept. I personally have seen a significant difference in my own health and body composition by following proper food combining. To put simply, proper food combining is just paying attention to the order and the combinations that we’re eating foods to help with better digestion. Always think about eating light to heavy as the day progresses. One of the easier rules to follow is consuming fruit alone and on an empty stomach. I talk about this concept more in my 14 Day Plant-Based Guide.

2. Food Sensitivities

This one can be tricky, especially if you do not pay close attention to how you feel after eating. Consuming foods that trigger mild food allergies or sensitivities can cause bloating. The most common food sensitivities include wheat/gluten, dairy, soy, corn, and legumes (beans). Next time you have a meal or snack, check in with your body and see how you feel. You may be surprised to find that you have a slight intolerance to a food group you consumer regularly!

3. Imbalanced Gut Bacteria

Everything starts in the gut. Foods like sugar, refined carbs, and alcohol, can cause imbalances in gut bacteria and lead to issues, such as bloating. That is why it is so important to take a probiotic on a daily basis to help balance your gut bacteria.

Now, let’s talk about foods that can help alleviate bloating:


Ginger is extremely anti-inflammatory and been shown to help with bloating. Try adding it to your hot lemon water, freshly grating it in a stir-fry or adding to your homemade salad dressing. I personally add a generous chunk into my daily green smoothie!

What I Eat in a Day | Living Well With Nic


These little powerful seeds aid in digestion and help with reducing gas. In India, dried fennel seeds are incredibly popular as an aid to digestion and have been used for this purpose for thousands of years. A small amount of the seeds are routinely chewed after a meal, both to freshen the breath and to stimulate digestion.


The Best 10 Foods to Eat When You Feel Bloated | Living Well With Nic


Cranberries are a natural diuretic, Drink pure unsweetened cranberry juice to help with bloating since it aids your body in flushing out fluid. These tart berries are also high in antioxidants and vitamin C. Make sure to stick with unsweetened cranberry juice and not concentrate since this contains added sugar.


Drinking water with lemon should be one of the first things you do when you feel bloated. A lot of people think they should avoid taking in more liquid when they are already bloated, but this is a huge misconception. When you’re bloated, your body is retaining fluids. Since lemons are a natural diuretic and a gentle laxative they can reduce the amount of salt retained in your body. I like to sip on a glass of hot lemon water every morning.

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Melons like watermelon consist of 90 percent water, which can help relieve bloating by flushing out excess water retention. According to nutritionist David Grotto in “Fitness” magazine, watermelon also has natural diuretic properties, meaning that it helps encourage the production of urine. I don’t think there’s any better way to enjoy a sweet, juicy watermelon than just cut up in nice big triangular pieces!

The Best 10 Foods to Eat When You Feel Bloated | Living Well With Nic


Did you know pineapple is one of my all-time favorite fruits? This tropical fruit contains bromelain, a digestion-promoting enzyme. Add a handful of frozen pineapple to a smoothie or slice up a fresh, juicy pineapple as a nutrient-packed snack.

The 10 Best Foods to Eat When You Feel Bloated | Living Well With Nic


This common vegetable has certain compounds that act like probiotics which aid in digestion. Try steaming them and drizzling with fresh lemon juice and olive oil for a delicious side to a meal. Or add them to a vegetable medley in a stir-fry.


Berries are high in fiber which is exactly what the body needs to get things moving out of your system to relieve abdominal pressure and gas. Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are 85 – 95% water, which can help decrease bloating. Enjoy them by the handful, since fruit is eaten alone and on an empty stomach.

The Best 10 Foods to Eat When You Feel Bloated | Living Well With Nic


This crunchy green veggie act as diuretics, helping you to flush out the excess water you’re retaining. Toss celery into your morning green smoothie or add it for an extra crunch on your salad.

Do you have any helpful tips to deal with bloating? If so, leave a comment below!

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